Credit Bureau Records Check

A credit report is a summary of the candidate’s credit history, and certain other information, reported to credit bureaus by lenders and creditors.

ODM is in relationship with Equifax and obtains a persona credit report for employment purposes. This is considered a “soft” inquiry and is not visible to lenders or creditors. They also do not include a credit score.

Equifax credit reports contain three types of information:

  • Identifying information. This section of the credit report includes personal information, such as the candidates’ current and previous names, addresses, and social security number.
  • Credit accounts. Credit reports list current and past credit accounts as reported by lenders and creditors. They generally contain information on the type of account (for example, a credit card, mortgage, student loan, or auto loan), the date the account was opened, credit limit or loan amount, the account balance, and payment history.
  • Bankruptcies and collection information. Bankruptcies and past-due accounts that have been turned over to a collection agency, including accounts with doctors, hospitals, charged off accounts, and cable companies, could also be included in the credit report.

If your candidate will be in a position of handling money or other organizational assets, or has check writing or investment authority, a credit bureau records check is a reasonable risk management procedure.

A site inspection is required by Equifax to comply with the FCRA for an additional fee of $100. Please call for details (800) 801-9114.

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